An evening to explore the legal stuff around death and dying including common misconceptions about wills and powers of attorney & how to get it right. As part of A Matter of Life and Death Festival, we will be joined by Lis Whybrow, a non practicing solicitor with over 35 years experience of making wills […]
An awareness event on bereavement, end of life care and loss for Dying Matters Awareness Week. Hosted by Compass Support at The Sanctuary, Castle Vale and supported by Suzanne McArthur from Birmingham Hospice and BrumYODO.
Quartermasters - a craft session with a difference! Using craft to build a caring community join us at Rock and Roll Brewhouse in Stitch a hoop while we listen and discuss death and dying with Suzanne McArthur from Birmingham Hospice. A question shared could mean an answer heard. Free but please book through eventbrite: […]