Helpful Death, Dying and Bereavement Resources
There are many places to find good information about Dying Well, here are just a few of the ones we’d recommend:
End of Life & Palliative Care
Palliative care in the time of Covid – a graphic novel explain-er of the role of palliative care
National NICE patient information – for people who want to understand and make decisions about treatment in case they develop Covid
NHS practical care of the dying tool kit – what you can do to practically care for someone who is in their last days and hours of life
Hospice UK – the national charity for hospice care. They champion and support the work of more than 200 member organisations, which provide hospice care across the UK
NHS Choices – End of Life Care – a guide for people who are approaching the end of their life. Some parts of it may also be useful for people who are caring for someone who is dying, or people who want to plan in advance for their end of life care
Bereavement Care - Who Can Help?
Cruse Bereavement Care -Support, advice and information for anyone bereaved | Helpline 0808 80801677 | Birmingham Cruse client line 0121 687 8011
Edwards Trust – supporting children and families facing loss and surviving bereavement across the West Midlands | Bereavement Tel: 0121 454 1705 Email: admin@edwardstrust.org.uk
Birmingham Counselling Services Online | Face to face| Telephone 0121 314 9903
Nishkam Civic Association Bereavement Support 0121 515 4229
Birmingham Irish Association Bereavement Support 0121 604 6111
The Good Grief Trust – information and support by the bereaved for the bereaved – comprehensive online bereavement support website for the bereaved and the health professionals that support them |Sudden Bereavement Helpline: 0800 2600 400
At A Loss – signposting to bereavement support https://www.ataloss.org/
https://thelossfoundation.org the only UK charity dedicated solely to providing bereavement support following the loss of a loved one to cancer
Raising Awareness of Death, Dying & Bereavement
Dying Matters – national website committed to raising awareness of dying, death and bereavement
Compassion in Dying – a national charity working to inform and empower people to exercise their rights and choices around end-of-life care
Pallium Compassionate Community Start up Toolkit equips you with essential information, resources, and templates to launch a Compassionate Community
The Good Funeral Guide – a trusted, independent, not-for profit guide to funeral advice
The Natural Death Centre – independent charity committed to providing good funeral advice
Legal & Practical Matters
Making a Will – government site advising you on how to write a will
Digital death and how to handle it – what happens after you die to your digital assets with a step by step guide to planning for your digital death
www.gov.uk/power-of-attorney – guidance on making and registering power of attourney for Health & Welfare, and Finance & Property
Non-Fiction: Death & Dying
Gawande, Atul, Being Mortal: Medicine and What Matters in the End, 2014
Kalanithi, Paul, When Breath Becomes Air, 2016
Mannix, Kathryn, With the End in Mind: How to Live and Die Well, 2019
Carter, Hazel, Life’s Good: Its the disease that’s the problem, 2023
Gross, Kate, Late Fragments : Everything I Want to Tell You ( About this Magnificent Life), 2015
Lloyd, Anna and Winter, Louise, We All Know How This Ends : Lessons About Life and Living From Working With Death and Dying, 2021
Non-Fiction: Grief
Didion, Joan, The Year of Magical Thinking, 2005
Prechtel, Martín, The Smell of Rain on Dust: Grief and Praise, 2015
Rosen, Michael, Sad Book, 2004
Samuel, Julia, This Too Shall Pass, 2020
Lewis, C.S, A Grief Observed (Readers’ Edition). – with contributions from Hilary Mantel, Jessica Martin, Jenna Bailey, Rowan Williams, Kate Saunders, Francis Spufford and Maureen Freely. 2015
Porter, Max, Grief is the Thing With Feathers, 2015
Samuel, Julia, Grief Works : Stories of Life Death and Surviving, 2017
Devine, Megan, It’s OK that You’re Not Ok . Meeting Grief and Loss in a Culture That Doesn’t Understand, 2017
Lloyd, Cariad, You Are Not Alone : A New Way to Grieve, 2023