We’d like to recruit new team members to help us build on past successes and develop our work into the future. We are a hands-on group, with regular meetings and events. Our priority is to increase our reach and to ensure that our board is reflective of the diversity in Birmingham. We welcome applications from all communities.

Whether you’re an experienced board member* or wanting to take your first step at this level we’d love to hear from you. We are keen to hear from people with an interest in the issues surrounding death and dying particularly those with:

● Budgeting and financial management skills
● PR skills
We are also keen to hear from people with:
● Knowledge of and access to diverse networks and across Birmingham
● Digital and marketing skills
● Fundraising & bid writing skills
● Community engagement skills
● Audience Development skills
● Heritage and cultural sector knowledge and experience
● Website management skills

Time Commitment

We are all volunteers and currently meet in Birmingham or via video call every 4-8 weeks for a couple of hours, depending on the level of activity. Between meetings team members support the progress of activities. Appointments are initially appointed for three years with an option to continue.

How to Apply

Please send a CV and a short covering letter setting out the skills, experience and networks you could bring to the role, plus why you would like to become a BrumYODO team member. Applications should be sent to info@brumyodo.org.uk with the heading ‘Team Member Application’.

We would love to tell you more about BrumYODO or answer any questions you might have. Please email us on info@brumyodo.org.uk and we will arrange a time for a chat. The deadline for applications is Friday March 3rd 2023. Prospective members will be invited for an informal interview.

*As BrumYODO is a Community Interest Company (CIC) the role would be acknowledged in reports as Board member.