Virtual Death Café followed by Q&A on legalities of death

Virtual Death Café followed by Q&A on legalities of death

Join Kath and Lis BrumYODO members at this online Death Cafe. A Death Cafe is a group of people who join together to eat cake, drink tea and discuss death and dying in a safe and non-judgemental space. It is intended as a discussion group rather than a grief support...
Life of Brian Movie Taste-Along

Life of Brian Movie Taste-Along

This event is now Sold Out. Have a look at the rest of our programme, there’s lots more to take part in. This year’s A Matter of Life and Death Festival kicks off in style with a fabulous movie taste-along with Conjurer’s Kitchen. Join us to rejoice...
Why dying awareness week matters

Why dying awareness week matters

The North American statesman Benjamin Franklin is credited with creating the immortal quote ‘ in this world nothing can be said to be certain, except death and taxes’. It has become a well-known adage and yet, despite the absolute certainty that we will all die, we...